About Us

Meet mark carrig

I was started on guitar at age of 8 by my Father, who thought it would be nice to have a guitarist in the house. After close to two years of “Red River Valley”, Stella By Starlight” and other atrocities from the dreaded Mel Bay Method, administered by Mr. Nunzio in Nutley, New Jersey, I pleaded with my Dad to put a stop to the torture.

To this day I still loathe the acoustic guitar.

Age 12 and a neighborhood friend turned me onto Black Sabbath's 1st album. This is 1971-72 or so and it had just come out. SCARY and GREAT! Dude also had a BIG amplifier and speaker cab!! WHOA!

THAT was the turning point. I knew I had to play and I knew it had to be an electric guitar!

In the early years of high school I entered the talent show with some friends I goofed around with and did very well, so I knew I had “Something” going on. A little after that I joined an up and coming band in my junior year of school, the first paying gig was at a local VFW on Congamond Lake (Middle Pond,, to be exact) in Southwick MA.

With that, I knew I was on my way to fame and riches!

I was accepted into the United States Naval Submarine Service in 1978 and played in numerous bands, on each coast and literally around the world, the most notably being “Destiny” which did a 2 month tour of the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. (Not “Officially” sponsored by the Navy by any means!)

I got my hands on my first Marshall Amplifier and Les Paul at that time. 1979!

1982 saw me in southern California in the early to mid-80s with numerous hard rock bands during the early "Heavy Metal" days.

(Thank you NAVY!!! See The World!!)

The “Band House” was across the street from an old folk’s home in North San Diego!! The “H.O.B.!! (House Of Blindness) H.O.B. was like “Animal House for Sailors”.

Trust me on this one.

In 1986 I spent 7 months in Ft Lauderdale, before moving to Memphis.
In Memphis, one weekend evening in October 1986 I went to Beale Street with a good friend and on a bet sat in with “Uncle Ben and his Nephews” on Beale Street.

I was hired that evening.

After a few years of playing with my much respected and beloved “Uncle Ben Perry”, I moved onto the Blind Mississippi Morris Band and during that time I have worked with Brad Webb, Little Jimmy King, the late Shawn Lane, Joel Williams, and numerous other Memphis artists.

I Joined the St Jude Band in 2003 substituting for Eric Lentz at the bands Gibson Factory gig, while E.L. was wearing Mickey ears at Disneyland.
Memphis opened BIG doors for me musically, and allowed me to fully realize my potential.

St Jude opened BIGGER doors in me having an ultimate focus for my musical talents that I’ve gathered from years past.

Danny Thomas was an Entertainer. Us “hip” folks know his promise. We believe in it and live it.

What a long, strange trip it’s been!

Mark Carrig
Contact Us
Booking the Band

Mighty Electric St. Jude Band

c/o Eric Schiavone

501 St. Jude Place | 4th Floor

Memphis, TN 38105

Email: eric.schiavone@stjude.org


Make all checks payable
to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.