About Us

Meet Holly THompson

I wore spandex when spandex was cool! I have always had a love of music and participated in every choir opportunity that was available to me since the age of 12. I learned I could pick out harmony around that same age and I thought to myself, wow, now all I need is a guitar and I’m set. My father took me to Strings n’ Things when I turned 13 and I picked out my first acoustic guitar. I was on my way.

By 11th grade, I was the lead singer in a band and never looked back. We rocked the Bartlett High School auditorium and other places nearby. In my senior year, I was approached by a talent scout from Warner Brothers records to “lay down some tracks.” My parents wouldn’t let me call the guy back because they believed that all he wanted was our money. Who knows? Anyway, I picked up music again in my mid-thirties and began singing in various groups around town including the front-line at Hope Presbyterian Church.

It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of the ALSAC band. Everyone is so talented and we have a great time! Spandex and the 80’s will live forever!!!…

Holly Thompson
Contact Us
Booking the Band

Mighty Electric St. Jude Band

c/o Eric Schiavone

501 St. Jude Place | 4th Floor

Memphis, TN 38105

Email: eric.schiavone@stjude.org


Make all checks payable
to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.