Mighty Electric St. Jude Band
c/o Eric Schiavone
501 St. Jude Place | 4th Floor
Memphis, TN 38105
Email: eric.schiavone@stjude.org
I can’t remember when music wasn’t a huge part of my life. One of my earliest memories was sitting in front of my mom’s record player and listening to this new group called “The Beatles” and drumming along with a pair of spoons on a Big Dictionary (I was about 5 at the time). I started playing guitar when I was in the sixth grade and began practicing and playing with little garage bands here and there. My Junior year I began playing with some real (working) bands and eventually formed a band called Lodestone in 1976. It started as just a band but we became best friends, more like brothers. We worked hard and played at numerous proms and dances in Northern Alabama. Just before I graduated from High School in 1977, we got signed with a booking agent and started playing at clubs and bars throughout Alabama, Georgia and Florida. We then got signed to a writing and recording contract with was then Broadway Sound Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. My parents were very supportive at first and allowed me to put college off for a year to see if this music thing had any potential. Then we learned some hard lessons about the music “business”, which I won’t go into here. I gave up and went into the U.S. Air Force and then to Auburn University where I got my degree in Electrical Engineering. After the military, my family and I moved around for a several years, and eventually returned to Alabama. In 2001, we reformed Lodestone with all the original members and started playing again because we are best friends and we love to play (it was a great way to spend my mid-life crisis and make a little extra cash). We still play in clubs and events in Decatur, Alabama, mostly as a good excuse to hang out together.
My first encounter with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was as a Technical Support Engineer, responsible for starting and supporting the Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FOM) program in 1996. I was always impressed with the people and purpose of St. Jude, and always thought of it as a dream job for someone in my line of work. In November 2005, I was given the opportunity to transfer to St. Jude as the Director of FOM, and I’ve never looked back. I’m extremely proud (and humbled) to be associated with an organization with such a noble and worthy mission. I’m honored to work with people who have the kind of passion and purpose as those I’ve met at St. Jude.
I love to play more than just about anything, so when I saw the opportunity to join the St. Jude Band I responded immediately. This is an opportunity to do what I love, for a cause and purpose that I love even more.
Mighty Electric St. Jude Band
c/o Eric Schiavone
501 St. Jude Place | 4th Floor
Memphis, TN 38105
Email: eric.schiavone@stjude.org
Make all checks payable
to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.